Tag: KYC

  • Delivering Practical Privacy in Blockchain and DLT Applications

    Delivering Practical Privacy in Blockchain and DLT Applications

    In the early days of crypto, privacy was a critical focus in blockchain development but difficult for the average user to achieve. From 2011–2014, creating multi-signature transactions was considered a cutting-edge technique that provided advanced users more privacy and security than executing standard peer-to-peer transactions alone. Now multisig is standard and more user friendly than…

  • ICOs, Securities, and Utility Tokens: Getting Ahead of the Compliance Curve

    Every day cryptocurrency and blockchain startups in the U.S. face a lingering regulatory question, “how do you fit a square peg in a round hole?” Here I summarize how regulatory uncertainty affects blockchain development, what last week’s SEC commentary means for cryptocurrencies, and explain how decentralized applications are positioned within today’s regulatory landscape.

  • How Blockchains and Decentralized ID Solutions Flip the Switch on Privacy

    In Developing Blockchain Standards for the Decentralized Web, I wrote about 3 core use cases that will help operationalize Web3 in the coming years. Here I explore decentralized identity (DID) solutions and why blockchain interoperability matters. In my next article, I will focus on today’s regulatory landscape and how decentralized IDs are positioned to interoperate with current regulations…

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